Moist Rescue

2018 • 3D mini game

Michaël HUBERT


Moist Rescue is an independent video game made in 48h during the 2018 Global Game Jam held in Cergy.

The apprentice waiter Thierry is bored in its last work hour. He's having fun doing experiments, to say the least, quite stupid: trying to transmit mold to healthy fruits just to see what happens !

In details

Technical stack




This Global Game Jam's theme being "Transmission", we though a lot until setting on the concept of virus transmission.

Also, unlike the previous Global Game Jam where we used another engine, we wanted to use Unity again while having a Nintendo Switch Joy-Con as the controller. Inspired by the motion control style, we had the idea of challenging two players : one controlling the orange with the keyboard, and a second using the Joy-Con to tilt the plate and try to make the orange touch some rotten fruits.

Being the only developer this time, we decided to keep the gameplay simple with just two players fighting over moving objects in opposite ways.

The biggest challenge was the use of the Joy-Con, as it wasn't really made to pair with computer at that time and the Unity library was quite limited.